display 1 line of multiple worksheets into multiple lines on 1 wks


Golf Nut

I have a workbook with individual worksheets for multiple people. Each sheet
has rows and columns of information then a summary row that displays the
minimum in each column. i want to create a consolidated worksheet that
displays this one line of information for each person. The workbook is of
golf scores for a league displaying actual scores for each hole on different
dates. It calculates the lowest score for each hole. I am trying to
summarize all the worksheets into one that shows the lowest score on each
hole for each person.


One way ..

Assuming players' sheets are identically structured with col labels in
B1:S1, eg: "Hole 1", "Hole 2", ... and with min scores calculated in row10 ie
within B10:S10 (B10 for Hole 1's min score, S10 for Hole 18's). Players
sheets are named as eg: Peter, Mark, etc

In the summary sheet,
With the same col labels placed in B1:S1 : "Hole 1", "Hole 2", ...
and players' names* listed in A2 down

*names listed must match exactly what's on the tabs, except for case.
Watch out for any inconsistencies, eg: typos, extra white spaces, etc

Place in B2:
Copy B2 across to S2, fill down as far as required to populate the min scores

Adapt to suit. Eg just change the text "A10" to "A15" within the INDIRECT
part in the formula if the min scores are in row15 (in B15:S15) instead of

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