Bill Davis
Existing Conditions:
The form data source with have these fields:
Time Zone (PST, EST, etc)
Variance from GMT (Linked to chosen time zone)
What I want to display then is a time for that time zone based on the
current local machine time and a default base of PST for variance.
So a calculation like Now()+<fixedtimetoGMT>+<GMTvariablefromtable> (to get
PST to GMT then the site variance from GMT)
Required outcome:
Time displayed adjusted to local time zone inputted on sheet from PST
updated when sheet is opened.(ie if it is 3:15pm PST and sheet is opened for
EST, the sheet would display a time of 7:15pm)
Nice to have:
Full date and time (for when date change is involved)
A time that refreshed once per minute that the sheet is open
The form data source with have these fields:
Time Zone (PST, EST, etc)
Variance from GMT (Linked to chosen time zone)
What I want to display then is a time for that time zone based on the
current local machine time and a default base of PST for variance.
So a calculation like Now()+<fixedtimetoGMT>+<GMTvariablefromtable> (to get
PST to GMT then the site variance from GMT)
Required outcome:
Time displayed adjusted to local time zone inputted on sheet from PST
updated when sheet is opened.(ie if it is 3:15pm PST and sheet is opened for
EST, the sheet would display a time of 7:15pm)
Nice to have:
Full date and time (for when date change is involved)
A time that refreshed once per minute that the sheet is open