Display a random comment, remark, pun on a form



Would you like to display a pun, remark, etc that is randomly selected from
a table when a form loads? This example assumes that when your application
is launched, a startup form loads and then a main form.

<< In the OnOpen event of the startup form add this function name: >>>


<< Add the following to the declarations section of a standard module. >>>

Public g_strRemark As String

<< Create a standard module called Remark >>>

Public Function Remark() As String

Dim dbs As Database
Dim dynRemarks As DAO.Recordset
Dim intTotalRecords As Integer
Dim iRandomNumber As Integer

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set dynRemarks = dbs.OpenRecordset("usysStartupRemark", dbOpenDynaset)


intTotalRecords = dynRemarks.RecordCount
iRandomNumber = Int((intTotalRecords * Rnd) + 1)

dynRemarks.AbsolutePosition = iRandomNumber - 1
g_strRemark = dynRemarks!Remark


End Function

<< Create a table. >>

Table Name: usysStartupRemark
1 field
Field name: REMARK
Field size: 255
Datatype: Text

<< Enter Puns, remarks, whatever, into the usysStartupRemark table >> <<
Examples >>

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you A-flat minor.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the
Two peanuts were walking in a tough neighborhood and one of them was

<<< Add a label on the form that you want the remark >>

Lable name: lblRemark

<<< In the OnOpen event of the form that you want the random remark to
display enter: >>

Me.lblRemark.Caption = g_strRemark

<<< That should do it. I have this running on a FE/BE database. I put the
usysStartupRemark table in the FE to ensure no delay in obtaining the
remark. John>>

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