Display Alerts instructions within macros


Aaron Buckholtz

I recently began including the following instructions in
certain macros:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

The 'False' version is included at the beginning and
the 'True" at the end.
They seem to work predictably in the macros I include them
in, however, other macros which do not include these
instructions sometimes act as if they do. I can't seem to
control the DisplayAlert action on macros that don't
include the instructions. All of my macros are contained
in my Personal.xls file and I run Excel 2000 on Windows
I don't know if this is related, but since about the same
time the above conditions started I have had trouble
recording new macros with the same name as an old existing
one. After hitting 'record' I used to get a pop up window
asking if I wanted to record over the old one with the
same name and I'd say yes and move on. Now I get no such
window and the nothing else happens. I have to manually
delete the old macro then begin the recording process
Please help if you can.

Dave Peterson

I think I'd be a little more careful when you're using them. I like to turn it
off, do what I want (when I know xl will give me a warning), then when that
little bit is done, I'll turn it back on.

I did turn off the display alerts in xl2002 and tried to delete a worksheet.
Excel still warned me. (Maybe there's a difference between xl2k and xl2002, but
I'd still stop it for a single purpose and turn it back on.)

I just tried it with recording a macro using the same name--I got a warning.
(Based on your comments, it sure looks like xl2002 is different.)

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