Display data as % in data table




I have a multi-series line graph that is based on a query that calculates the percentage of each series over time. i.e. x-axis is time, y-axis is % (up to 100), there are 5 series - Excellent/Good/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and Poor

The query that the chart is based on actually contains all the correct percentages within it as decimals (0.8 = 80%) - The reason I did this was because I did not want a stacked chart

Anyway, even though I have changed the number type on the chart so it shows percentages, the datatable that is below it always shows the decimal value (even uses the 5E+0.2 business). I have tried changing the number type of the datasheet in MS Graph design view but it made no difference

How can I make the datatable show the percentage data? PS Access 9





This can occur due to timing problems within Graph. Stop by our web and
look in the code and design tips area under reports. You'll find a tip
called "Common Problems with Graph", look at sub item 4 in that section to
see a solution.

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