display data from a list of categories - PLEASE HELP



Hello there! I have three lists. The first one is artists. Artists
contains names.The other two are 2 different name of artists that
contain Albums. For example

Artists Korn Deftones
--------- ---------------- ---------------------
Korn issues adrenaline
Deftones life is peachy around the fur

Could you please someone help me when i click a name on my list of
artists to DISPLAY all data in some cells that my selected choice
contains?I know how this could be to display them on a list but i dont
know how to display all of them in separate cells or in a table
somewhere in my sheet

Thank you.

Don Guillett

try data>filter>autofilter. If you want it to be a "click", record a macro
and then clean it up


Thank you for your reply.I'm a little newbie in Excel. Could you tell
me how can i record this macro or how can i implement all of this
generally. I really apreciate your help!
Ï/Ç Don Guillett Ýãñáøå:


Thank you for your reply.I'm a little newbie in Excel. Could you tell
me how can i record this macro or how can i implement all of this
generally. I really apreciate your help!
Ï/Ç Don Guillett Ýãñáøå:


Thank you for your reply.I'm a little newbie in Excel. Could you tell
me how can i record this macro or how can i implement all of this
generally. I really apreciate your help!
Ã/Ç Don Guillett Ããñáøå:
Ο/Η Don Guillett έγÏαψε:

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