Display Database Window



I have a small access db and I went into Tools, Startup and cleared the
"Display Database Window" checkbox, however, whenever someone opens it, the
db window is still displaying at the bottom left hand corner of the screen
(minimized). I do want to allow a users to hit F11 to display the db window,
so I don't want to eliminate that option.

On another db, when I cleared the "Display Database Window", it works great
and only the switchboard opens up (there is no minimized database window

Please advise...

Allen Browne

Do you have the Switchboard specified as your startup form?

If so, look in the module of the Switchboard to see if it is using
SelectObject to display and minimize the database window.

Brendan Reynolds

Some of Microsoft's samples and templates have code behind the switchboard
form to minimize the database window. This has the side effect of making the
database window visible if it is not already visible. Look for such code in
the Open or Load event of your switchboard form.


Yes, I am using a switchboard - how to get to the SelectObject module? Once I
find it, what should I set it to?


Allen Browne

Open the switchboard in design view.

Open its module: View | Code.

In the Code window, use Find on the Edit menu to find the SelectObject or
the Minimize. Add a single-quote to the start of those lines to comment them
out. (They go green, showing Access treats them as comments. That way you
can add them back again of you need to just by removing the quote mark.)

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