Display Date Field using DRW




I am having a real problem figuring this one out:

I have a Access database with serveral fields, one is called DateFrom and
the field Data Type is set to Date/Time, with a Format of Long Date.

I would like to display on an ASP Page the database results when the
DateFrom field is search with Todays date.

I am using the Database Results Wizard in Frontpage 2000, to achieve my ASP
Page. However, I dont know what to enter as the Criteria, I have tried
now(), Date(), and SYSDATE but I get the error:

Database Results Error
Description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in
criteria expression.
Number: -2147217913 (0x80040E07)
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

I've also tried this: putting a date in the Value box, as it is stored in
the database, such as 17/09/2003, the Comparison I have choosen is Equals,
and the Field Name is DateFrom: I still get this error.

Anyone any ideas?

Also, when I display the results of a search from my database, the DateFrom
field is displayed as mm/dd/yyyy is it possible to change this format to
dd/mm/yyyy ?

My web is on a ISS5 Windows 2000 Server

Thanks for any help.

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