Is it possible to configure Outlook to display the recipients emai
address in the TO, CC or BCC fields instead of just the name.
This 'feature' or 'option' would change the way all recipients show u
in emails, whether they're pulled from the [personal] Contacts list o
the Global Address List (GAL).
Consider the following scenario:
Currently when I compose an email and Outlook finds a match in the GA
and then displays the recipient in "FirstName LastName" format.
Instead of just seeing the name, I'd like to have the option of showin
the below:
The name and email address: "FirstName LastNam
Just the email address: "firstname.lastname@domain"
This is an Exchange 2007 environment with clients using Outlook 2007 o
Windows XP with SP3
address in the TO, CC or BCC fields instead of just the name.
This 'feature' or 'option' would change the way all recipients show u
in emails, whether they're pulled from the [personal] Contacts list o
the Global Address List (GAL).
Consider the following scenario:
Currently when I compose an email and Outlook finds a match in the GA
and then displays the recipient in "FirstName LastName" format.
Instead of just seeing the name, I'd like to have the option of showin
the below:
The name and email address: "FirstName LastNam
Just the email address: "firstname.lastname@domain"
This is an Exchange 2007 environment with clients using Outlook 2007 o
Windows XP with SP3