Display errors between PPT97 and PPT2000



On a monthly basis I create a progress presentation for senior
management. I'm using PPT97 and they have PPT2000. They have come
back to me saying that the text in most of the slides runs off the
bottom of the slide, not a design of the presentation.

This happens both in Edit and in Slide Show, however my view is that
everything is fine and I regularly check to make sure. I have now
changed to using a TrueType font, as this was believed to be the cause.
This has been, largely, successful, however there are still a couple
of slides that required Line Spacing changes to get the text to fit.

Can anyone point me in the right direction so that I can see the
problem before I send the presentation out, given that I don't have
PPT2000 and won't get it for a while yet.

Thanks in advance
Fred Newton

Echo S

The best thing for you to do is stick with Arial or Times New Roman for your
presentation files.

If you use a font that's not available on the recipients' machine, PPT will
replace the font, and this will often cause the type of formatting issues
you've described.

You can see if this is the problem by having a recipient go to
Format/Replace Fonts on one of the affected presentation. If any of the
fonts have ? by the name, then that font is not available on the recipeints'
machine and is being replaced.

You can also embed fonts in your file, depending on the font in question.
See Embedding fonts http://www.rdpslides.com/pptfaq/FAQ00076.htm

Dang. I can't remember where you go to embed fonts in PPT 97, and I don't
have that version installed on this system. I think it's under File/Save
As -- click Tools there and then "embed truetype fonts" from the pulldown.

Hopefully someone else will chime in to confirm that you can indeed embed
fonts in 97 and, assuming so, how to do it.

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