Display formula on the cell




I wanted to display the formulas permanently besides a calculated
value. When I go to Tools>Options>view, click on the window options
Formulas, I achieve the result however the value with the formulas in
it also turn to formulas which is not the result i wanted.

Could someone pls advice.


Arvi Laanemets

On fly:

Create an UDF
Public Function ShowFormula(MyRange As Range)
ShowFormula = MyRange.Formula
End Function

P.e. into cell A1 enter the some formula
Into cell B1 enter the formula

Arvi Laanemets


Hi journey,

You could add the formula to the cell comments and display those. Here's a macro to add the formulae to the cell comments for the
selected range:

Sub AddFormulasToComments()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim CommentRange As Range, TargetCell As Range, Cmt As Comment
'If the whole worksheet is selected, limit action to the used range.
If Selection.Address = Cells.Address Then
Set CommentRange = Range(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Address)
Set CommentRange = Range(Selection.Address)
End If
'Delete comments from cells containing formulae.
For Each Cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments
For Each TargetCell In CommentRange
If TargetCell.Address = Cmt.Parent.Address Then
Exit For
End If
'If the cell contains a formula, turn the formula into a comment.
For Each TargetCell In CommentRange
With TargetCell
If Left(.Formula, 1) = "=" Then
'add a new comment
'copy the formula into the comment box
.Comment.Text Text:=.Formula
'display the comment
.Comment.Visible = True
'autosize to fit
.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
'position the comment adjacent to its cell
If .Column < ActiveSheet.Columns.Count - 1 Then .Comment.Shape.IncrementLeft -11.25
If .Row > 1 Then .Comment.Shape.IncrementTop 8.25
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox " To print the comments, choose" & vbCrLf & _
" File|Page Setup|Sheet|Comments," & vbCrLf & _
"then choose the required print option.", vbOKOnly
End Sub

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