Hi Gabriele,
I'm willing to help and I will, but I am astonished at your question "Is it
an application method?".
When you do Project Programming, it seems rather important to me that you
use the object browser in the VB Editor. That will not only tell you
rightaway that is is an application method but also how to use it.
I don't even know that by heart (why should I, the help is there for the
First, here is the help text:
Copies the active view as a picture or an OLE object, or exports the active
view to a GIF image file.
expression.EditCopyPicture(Object, ForPrinter, FileName, SelectedRows,
FromDate, ToDate, ScaleOption)
expression Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.
Object Optional Boolean. True if the view should be copied as an OLE
object. The default value is False.
ForPrinter Optional Long. Specifies where to copy the view. Can be one of
the following PjCopyPictureFor constants: pjScreen, pjPrinter, or pjGIF. If
Object is True, ForPrinter is ignored. The default value is pjScreen.
FileName Optional String. The file name for the GIF image file. If
ForPrinter is pjGIF, FileName is required. If Object is True, or ForPrinter
is not pjGIF, FileName is ignored.
SelectedRows Optional Boolean. True if Microsoft Project copies only the
selected rows. False if the program copies all visible rows.
FromDate Optional Variant. The beginning of the timescale for the copied
picture. If Object is True, FromDate is ignored. If FromDate is specified
and ToDate is not, Microsoft Project will use the last entered date for the
end of the timescale. If that would create a negative time span, the program
will use the latest timescale date visible in the active view. The default
value is the earliest timescale date visible in the active view.
ToDate Optional Variant. The end of the timescale for the copied picture.
If Object is True, ToDate is ignored. If ToDate is specified and FromDate is
not, Microsoft Project will use the last entered date for the beginning of
the timescale. If that would create a negative time span, the program will
use the earliest timescale date visible in the active view. The default
value is the latest timescale date visible in the active view.
ScaleOption Optional Long. Specifies how to treat a picture of the active
view if it is larger than 22 inches by 22 inches. The default value is
pjCopyPictureKeepRange. Can be one of the following PjCopyPictureScaleOption
Constant Description
pjCopyPictureKeepRange Maintains the selection, regardless of size. If the
picture exceeds the amount of available memory, it will be cropped to the
maximum available size.
pjCopyPictureScale Scales the picture to 22 inches by 22 inches without
maintaining the aspect ratio.
pjCopyPictureScaleWRatio Scales the picture to 22 inches by 22 inches and
maintains the aspect ratio.
pjCopyPictureShowOptions Displays the Copy Picture Options dialog box.
pjCopyPictureTimescale Adjusts the timescale (zooms out) so that the picture
fits 22 inches by 22 inches.
pjCopyPictureTruncate Truncates any portion of the picture that exceeds the
boundaries of 22 inches by 22 inches.
Using the EditCopyPicture method without specifying any arguments displays
the Copy Picture dialog box.
Now before trying to understand this open a Project, Do Edit, Copy Picture
manually and look at the effect of the parameters.
Then you will be reay to program the method and make a nice GIF file you can
insert anywhere.