Display hidden Database Window


Sam Kuo

I have the SelectOject macro attached to a command button that opens up the
database window. But because I have the DW hidden by clearing "Display
Database Window" box in Tools|Startup, the DW remains hidden at all time.
Could I display DW after running the macro, without having to manually select
"unhide" from Window in toolbar? Any help is much appreciated.

Object Type: Form
Object Name: form1

Allen Browne

There must be another factor at work.

This code works in Access 2003 even when the database window begins hidden:
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Form1", True

Sam Kuo

Along with the SelectObject action, I also have also an Echo, and a Close
action in the same macro that closes Form1. Is that the factor you mean? How
could I fix it if that's what causes the problem?


Allen Browne

Hi Sam

We can't see your macro, or the order of actions there. To test if they are
affecting the macro, you could disable them by typing:
into the Condition column in macro design. (Go to the View menu if you do
not see a Condition column.)

Another way to test would be to open the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G), and
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, , True

If that still does not work, are you able to show the database window by
pressing F11?

Van T. Dinh

In your SelectObject Macro action, make sure you set the "In Database
Window" argument to Yes / True.

I am not sure about the Echo Macro action you described. Normally, you
would use a pair of Echo actions, one to turn it off and another to turn it
back on.

Sam Kuo

Thanks! Allen and Van.

The problem is that the "In Database Window" argument was set to No. Now it
works just fine.

Much appreciated!

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