Display list of files rather than a normal web page.


John G

I have a web site that works fine with index.htm etc for home page and
hyperlinks to some folders with all the necessary to display some photos
generated with Porta. All works as I expect.

What do I need to do to have a link to another folder and just display
a listing of files in that folder so that you could click on one (say a
PDF ) and it would open?

This would allow adding and subtacting files without changeing the
index.htm etc.

John G

Thanks for the pointer but it does not seem to solve my problem.
I am using FTP Explorer to upload my Pub03 generated index.htm and the
index files, all works fine.
If I create another directory and just put a file in it as described
with no index.htm, then put a link like
"http://www.mysite.com/myfoldername/mystuff.doc " in a button on the
home page, cliking that button gets an error 403 file not found.
Forbidden or permission denied.
I would like it to display a tree of that folder and sub folders and I
have seen it work but just cannot find how to do it.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

the file mystuff.doc has to actually existing in the folder ../foldername.

You may have to have the host enable directory browsing on /foldername even
if you don't have an index in that folder.

John G

Directory Browsing may well be the clue I was looking for, because I
have seen it just happen apparently with no index.htm but then not since
I moved to this provider.
Thanks Rob.

John G

Just found this example of what I was trying to describe.


How is it generated? I am not looking for anything as complicated but
the idea is there.

John G


Hi John,

Ask your web host about setting up FTP accounts or folders. The one you
reference is a 'public' or 'anonymous' folder which does not require a
password to access. Depending on how you want it set up, you might want to
consider a password protected folder for your documents.

You might still create a page on your site to list the different documents
with links and descriptions. Go back to your example and open the
README.html file to see how this site did this. I have a reports page on my
site that links to PDF formatted reports that can be downloaded, that are
all kept in a reports folder. If you left click on the link and you have the
Adobe plugin installed on your browser, the file will automatically download
and open in your browser. If not, you will get the option of saving to your
hard drive. I find this approach easier and more effective for most people
as the file names themselves are not that descriptive.


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Thats different that's an ftp folder...talk to your host to set one up...if
they allow it.

John G

David and Rob,
Thanks for your help.
I had access to another ISP and web page. It worked how I expected.
I dumped the old index.htm and index files and rebuilt them from scratch
but looking just the same now if I
use a url with the folder name as the last part I get a directory of
that folder just as I was looking for.
Don't know why but its fixed Thanks
Another step forward.

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