Display many instances of the same form




Is it possible to show many instances a form many times?

If the form is already displayed once, and I try to do (Form.Show) one more
time, an error message appears and tells that I can't display it twice.

Thanks for any suggestion

Tom Ogilvy

Sub Tester2()
Set frm1 = New UserForm1
frm1.Show vbModeless
Set frm2 = New UserForm1
frm2.Show vbModeless

End Sub

You will need to move them around to see them.


The forms MUST be modeless. (thus cant do this in Excel97)

In the code for the form make sure you dont the the form's name but (if
needed) refer to Me.ComboBox1 .etc..

Sub TenForms()
Dim myforms(0 To 9) As UserForm1
Dim i
For i = 0 To 9
Set myforms(i) = New UserForm1
With myforms(i)
.Show vbModeless
.Top = i * 10
.Left = i * 10
.Caption = "Myform" & i
End With
End Sub


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