Display Non-working time for Resource in Gantt Bar




If a resource is on vacation for a day, for example, and is assigned a task
with a duration of 3 days, I see on the Gantt Bar that the task is taking
place over 4 days to compensate for the vacation day.

I can display non-working days in the Calendar easily, but am wondering how
I can display the non-working times for a resource in a task gantt bar.

Jan De Messemaeker


Not obvious, you need a workaround. See the "Article on MSP" on my website


Hello and thanks so much for your response.

I had actually read your article... but was hoping for some "magical" way of
colour-coding the gantt bar to display non-working holidays.

I'm still not clear on the concept, though. If I have a task this week - 3
day duration - Monday to Wednesday - and the resource is off on Wednesday,
the Gantt bar automatically jumps to Thursday to take into account Wed being
non-working, although the duration stays the same. So, let's say I input a
non-flexible task that must start on Wednesday for 1 day, it will show in the
Gantt area, but not at all related to the task mentioned above.

I'm obviously missing something key, if you wouldn't mind further explanation.

Thank you.


Jan De Messemaeker said:

Not obvious, you need a workaround. See the "Article on MSP" on my website

Jan De Messemaeker


The key you are missing is that you MUST dio resource leveling for the
"normal" tasks to reposition.

Jan De Messemaeker, Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
For FAQs: http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm
dee said:
Hello and thanks so much for your response.

I had actually read your article... but was hoping for some "magical" way of
colour-coding the gantt bar to display non-working holidays.

I'm still not clear on the concept, though. If I have a task this week - 3
day duration - Monday to Wednesday - and the resource is off on Wednesday,
the Gantt bar automatically jumps to Thursday to take into account Wed being
non-working, although the duration stays the same. So, let's say I input a
non-flexible task that must start on Wednesday for 1 day, it will show in the
Gantt area, but not at all related to the task mentioned above.

I'm obviously missing something key, if you wouldn't mind further explanation.

Thank you.


Ok, it's becoming more clear... A couple of things:
1. Can I level 1 resource at a time?
2. Should I just add a Note with the dates the resource is on vacation - I
still don't exactly see how to use the addition of a vacation task.
3. I just levelled and it worked when the resource was out for more than
one day. However, if they are out for just one day, I seem to have to enter,
for example, Wed July 19 Start to Wed July 19 End Date, or it extended to
Thursday. Therefore, this wasn't levelled.

Thanks for your patience.


Another question... when you level, the task becomes split... is it coded
anywhere else as being the result of levelling. The reason I am asking, is
that I am wondering if the ...... in blue that is the result of levelling can
be coloured differently than a regular split.

Jan De Messemaeker


1. Yes, if you level fom a resource view
2. Add a vacation task like any other task, with amust start on constraint.
(Re-level of course)
3. What is the pace of your leveling? Try a fine granularity such as hour by


That's what I was afraid of :) I guess I can use Text 1 as ...=vacation

Also, can you level one resource at a time?

Mike Glen

Hi Dee,

Have you tried Format/Timescale.../Non-working time tab and select the
Resource's calendar? You can give it a colour and shading. The Gantt view
will then show that resource's non-working time.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for Project Tutorials


Hi Mike

Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I had tried this and it's great so that
I can display a band of colour when a resource has non-working times, so I
can split the task. However, I would like to be able to display all colour
codes for all resources - both in Gantt and the Calendar View.

Can't seem to do this. It switches from one to another. Is there any way
to display a Calendar that shows JUST non-working days for all resources?

Jan De Messemaeker


The only way I see is to create a different project and generate the tasks
you want to see with VBA. A macro doing (also) that is on my website
("Article on MSP")

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