I have designed web pages with various fonts (e.g., Gill Sans, Lucida
Calligraphy, Ravie). These fonts appear on the webpages displayed on my
computer screen. However, when I have visited others, I find the fonts
displayed as Times New Roman on their computer screens.
I notice that the other computers don't have all the fonts installed. I
understand that these users would not get the missing font if they
copied/pasted text from the webpage to their Word document; another font
would be substituted. But why doesn't the right font appear on their screen
when they access the webpage?
Calligraphy, Ravie). These fonts appear on the webpages displayed on my
computer screen. However, when I have visited others, I find the fonts
displayed as Times New Roman on their computer screens.
I notice that the other computers don't have all the fonts installed. I
understand that these users would not get the missing font if they
copied/pasted text from the webpage to their Word document; another font
would be substituted. But why doesn't the right font appear on their screen
when they access the webpage?