Display of Member Properties in Pivot Table




I have a rather peculiar request..

I have a Product Dimension with a Product Name and Bar
Code as fields within the dimension. The users want to be
able to view the Product Name and Bar Code side by side in
the Pivot Table when dragging the Product Dimension into
the Row Field area. I know there are a number of options
that are available, but none of them do exactly what I

1. Defining the Bar Code as a Member Property does not
work because the only thing that you can do is display it
UNDER (not next to) the Product Name or as a flyover
2. Defining the Bar Code as a Member Property and then
using that Member Property to use it to define a virtual
dimension (called Bar Code) does not work because the
users only want to see one field called Product and then
when they drag the product into the row area, it must
display as Product in one column and Bar Code in another.
They also want to be able to sort by Product or Bar Code.
3. Defining Bar Code as a level under Product does now
work because this is not a hierarchy. There is a one to
one relationship between Product and Bar Code. Also when
you drop the Product onto the row area, you have to expand
the Product field before you can see the Bar Code.

I know I am most probably asking the impossible, but I
have very fussy users and they want to have the Product
and Bar Code side by side with the ability to sort either
by Product Name or Bar Code. And oh by they way they are
not too hot on concatenating the Product and Bar Code
fields together into one field

Any help would be much appreciated.


Dan Ricker

Just a thought...

Create a second dimension and reverse the order of the
levels ([Bar Code] first, followed by [Product Name].

Both "FieldSets" or "Dimensions" can exist together on the
Pivot. If only one exists, the user can expand which ever
is on the pivot to get the corresponding other level value.


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