Display of Record Set


Syed Haider Ali

Dear Friends.

I have a table with three fields A,B,C. I need the code for if i pu
the value in textbox1 it searchs with Col A, if found then rest o
record shown in textbox2 and textbox3. And if it is a new record the
append the sheet.

What codes i am using are these.

dim ws as worksheet
dim irow as long

set ws= worksheets("Code")

irow=ws.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).offset(1,0).row

ws.cells(irow, 1).value = me.textbox1.value
ws.cells(irow, 2).value = me.textbox2.value
ws.cells(irow,3).value = me.textbox3.value

Any suggestion please.

Syed Haider Al

Tom Ogilvy

dim ws as worksheet
dim irow as long
Dim rng as Range
Dim rng1 as Range
set ws= worksheets("Code")

irow=ws.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).offset(1,0).row
set rng = ws.Range(ws.cells(1,1),ws.cells(1,irow - 1))
set rng1 = Application.Find(me.Textbox1.Value)
if not rng is nothing then
msgbox me.Textbox1.Value & " already exists"
Me.Textbox2.Value = rng.offset(0,1)
Me.Textbox3.Value = rng.offset(0,2)
ws.cells(irow, 1).value = me.textbox1.value
ws.cells(irow, 2).value = me.textbox2.value
ws.cells(irow,3).value = me.textbox3.value
End if

Tom Ogilvy

"Syed Haider Ali"

Syed Haider Ali

Dear Tom Ogilvy,

An error "Run time error 1004" is appearing at

"set rng1=application.find(me.textbox1.value)"

Please Solve this one


Syed Haider Al

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