Display of units in Work column



Is there a way to display only the number and not the units for the Work

What I'm trying to do is:

I have a Work column with hours in it (for example, 40h). I want to reduce
all the hours in the whole project by 10%. So what I was trying to do is,
copy and paste the hours from Project to Excel. Then in Excel do the
neccesary calculations to reduce the hours by 10%. But when I copy and paste
to Excel, the cells contain the character "h".


Hi Drew,

Insert a custom Number column into the table. Customize the field (right
Create a formula of: [Work]/60
Set the summary tasks to use the formula.
Then copy and paste as you have been and that should work.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Steve House [MVP]

I have to wonder how you can arbitrarily do that. When you set up the plan
you should have used realistic estimates of the time and manpower required
to produce the project's deliverables. Unless you artificially inflated
your estimates by 10% to begin with, how could you possibly perform an
across the board 10% reduction in the work required and still get all the
deliverables created? If I need 100 widgets and it takes 1 day for a widget
maker to make a widget, the project is going to require 100 man-days of
work, period, end of story. The length of time it will take to DO that 100
man-days of work will depend on the number of widget makers I have on staff
but the amount of work itself is driven by the physics of widget production.
Reducing the work across the board by 10% means I'll only be able to produce
90 widgets and I can't get the other 10 by magic without doing the work they
require. And if you don't get ALL the deliverables created, by definition
the project is a failure, ie, terminating prior to completion.


Hi John,


John said:
JulieS said:
Hi Drew,

Insert a custom Number column into the table. Customize the field (right
Create a formula of: [Work]/60
Set the summary tasks to use the formula.
Then copy and paste as you have been and that should work.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Drew said:
Is there a way to display only the number and not the units for the Work

What I'm trying to do is:

I have a Work column with hours in it (for example, 40h). I want to reduce
all the hours in the whole project by 10%. So what I was trying to do is,
copy and paste the hours from Project to Excel. Then in Excel do the
neccesary calculations to reduce the hours by 10%. But when I copy and
to Excel, the cells contain the character "h".

There is a much easier way to do this that doesn't involve Excel. The
simple VBA macro below will do the job. Note: I tested this on a file
that happened to have external links. If the file doesn't have those,
then the ExternalTask part of the "If" statement can be removed.

Sub ReduceWork()
Fac = InputBox("Enter Work percentage change as a decimal", 1#)
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing And t.Summary = False _
And t.ExternalTask = False Then
t.Work = t.Work * Fac
End If
Next t
End Sub

Hope this helps.
Project MVP


JulieS said:
Hi Drew,

Insert a custom Number column into the table. Customize the field (right
Create a formula of: [Work]/60
Set the summary tasks to use the formula.
Then copy and paste as you have been and that should work.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Drew said:
Is there a way to display only the number and not the units for the Work

What I'm trying to do is:

I have a Work column with hours in it (for example, 40h). I want to reduce
all the hours in the whole project by 10%. So what I was trying to do is,
copy and paste the hours from Project to Excel. Then in Excel do the
neccesary calculations to reduce the hours by 10%. But when I copy and
to Excel, the cells contain the character "h".

There is a much easier way to do this that doesn't involve Excel. The
simple VBA macro below will do the job. Note: I tested this on a file
that happened to have external links. If the file doesn't have those,
then the ExternalTask part of the "If" statement can be removed.

Sub ReduceWork()
Fac = InputBox("Enter Work percentage change as a decimal", 1#)
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing And t.Summary = False _
And t.ExternalTask = False Then
t.Work = t.Work * Fac
End If
Next t
End Sub

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

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