display part of the cell content



how to display part of the cell content?example, if the cell contain 'ABCD',i
want it to view 'AB' only.can it be done?thanks in advance!

Gary''s Student

If you want to change only the display and not use a formula or an extra cell
then select the "CD" in the formula bar and change the font color to match
the background color.

The "CD" will still be there, just not visible.

challa prabhu


This could be one possibility.

Do the following:

1. Select the cell, and press F2 - Edit mode.
2. Highlight the cell content.
3. Do one of the following:

On the Formatting toolbar, click the Font color icon and select the white
color from the Font color icon list.


1. On the Format menu, click Cells. The Format cells dialog bos is displayed.
2. In the Color list, select the white color.
3. Click OK, to save the settings and return to the worksheet.

Challa Prabhu


thank you guys!but i'am more prefer Excel-len-T suggestion cause i need to
use it later to create chart.

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