Display People Initials in Resource Name Field



After entering a few names in the Resource Name field, for
example; John Doe, Bryan Doe, Mary Doe, those names
display in the Resource Name field as I entered them.
However, when I go back to that Resource Name field and
change the entered names to initials, for example,
JD,BD,MD, those initials do not display in the Resource
Name field as I entered them. The initials display as;
MD,BD,JD. How can I get the initials to display in the
Resource Name field as I entered them?

Thank you!


Why does it matter?
I can not reproduce this by the way.
How specifically are you entering them? Please indicate Which view, which
field etc.


Jim O


Try this
Save your project & give it a new name
Open Resource Sheet
Highlight the names & initials
Edit - Copy
open excel & paste
make changes copy & paste back to project
If you have big list past-special-paste link - text
With paste link you can make all changes in excel

Your problem may be in tools options edit
enter directally in cell may not be checked

hope this helps


I don't know why it matters. I have a customer (an
employee) who asked the question. My guess is they want
to display the owner of a task first and team members
second, third, etc.

To reproduce it, first enter multiple names in the
Resource Name field (ex. John D.,Bryan D.,Mary D.). Then,
enter JD,BD,MD.

This is being done from the Ghantt view in the Resource
Name field.

Thank you for your reply.


Just a suggestion.
I typically put the "Owner" of the task in the "Contact" column.
This allows you to sort by owner quite easily.
And sometimes owners don't actually do the work. :)


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