Display Project ID in PWA



I've had numerous requests to add a Project ID to PWA views. Is there a way to easily copy the value from the Proj_ID field in MSP_WEB_PROJECTS to a custom outline code?

Rod Gill


I think you just need to edit the PWA View to add the field. Be aware though
that there is an ID for Web projects (published) and separate ID for all
projects (published or not).

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Rod Gill
Project MVP
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Ron said:
I've had numerous requests to add a Project ID to PWA views. Is there a
way to easily copy the value from the Proj_ID field in MSP_WEB_PROJECTS to a
custom outline code?

Rod Gill

I think its WPROJ_ID in MSP_WEB_PROJECTS table.

See the PJSVRDB.HTM file installed in one of Project's program folders.

For VBA posts, please use the public.project.developer group.
For any version of Project use public.project
For any version of Project Server use public. project.server

Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
development services
visit www.projectlearning.com/
Ron said:
We just need the published ID for web projects. I don't see Project ID,
ID, or anything resembling it in the list of available fields when editing
views. What would this ID be called if it's in the list, or if it's not in
the list, why isn't it?


That would be the field. Now how would you add this to the list of available fields when editing a view? Or, how can I add this field to an Enterprise Custom Outline Code so I can add it to a PWA view?


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