Display Report Total in Form



Im I able to display the total from a report in a field of a form. Database
as below

Purchase Order Database
Main Table/Form
- OrderID (autonumber)
- Job Ref
- OrderID
- Quantity
- Price

I have a query which asks for the job ref then totals each order I then have
a report that sums all the totals of each order to give a final total.

I have linked this database to another one and imported the above query and

Job Costing Database
Main Table/Form
-Job Ref
-Total Purchases

I would like the database to automaticaly enter the total of the report in
the 'Total Purchases' field of the form that has the same job ref as the

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Reports are static and the data cannot be read from a form. You can,
however, use the same technique on the form footer to calculated the values
from that form.

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