Display revision bars only


Cathy Hunter

I'm using Word 2002 (Office XP). I want to have the option of showing
revision bars only with no inline markup or balloons - or - selecting the
standard options from the menu, depending on which document I'm working on. I
found a helpful post where someone suggested running this macro to do the
revision bars only:

Options.DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkHidden
Options.InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkNone
Options.RevisedLinesMark = wdRevisedLinesMarkOutsideBorder

I created and ran the macro and it worked like a charm. Except it is now
applied to every document and I cannot find a way to go back to the default
settings/menu. I tried deleting the macro but that didn't work - it must have
saved these as global settings somewhere and they override the menu settings.
How can I remove this from global and make it a selectable thing?

Lene Fredborg

The macro has changed the settings of three of the options in Tools > Options
Track Changes tab (the settings for deleted text, inserted text and changed
lines - in this order).

Most settings in the Options dialog box, including these, apply globally -
i.e., changes to the settings affect all documents.

If you want to be able to switch the settings easily, you need to create an
additional macro that applies your "normal" settings. Then you could assign
both macros to toolbar buttons or assign keyboard shortcuts so that you can
easily switch the settings. See these articles for details about the latter:

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

Cathy Hunter

Thanks Lene - where would I find the available settings? I just copied that
macro from someone's append here, I don't know what the valid values are to
choose from. So, has this action completely disabled my ability to use the
track changes Options dialog? Can I get that back somehow?

Also, I want the recipients of my docs that have the revision bar only to
see them that way too (so when they print with markup all they get are the
revision bars not the inline markup). I was hoping if I could save at a
document level somehow, that would stay with the doc when sent. Is that

Lene Fredborg

The macro has not changed your ability to use the Track Changes options. Just
select Tools > Options > Track Changes tab and select the settings you want.
The macro has just _changed_ the settings of three of the options (the
settings for deleted text, inserted text and changed lines), it has not
deleted anything.

If you want to make a macro that sets your "normal" track changes settings,
you can record a macro while you change the options settings. In the recorded
macro, find out which values have been assigned to the three settings that
were changed by the existing macro, i.e. find the value shown to the right of
the equal sign for:

Alternatively, post back and tell which settings you want to be selected for
the three options and I can tell you which values to use in the macro.

Since the track changes settings are global, you cannot save them at a
document level. The only way this can be done is via macros that handle the
settings. The macros can be in the document or in the attached template or a
global add-in (the template/global add-in must be made available to all users
in order for this to work). Furthermore, it is not that simple - in general,
you should never change the settings of other users' options without
resetting them again and this makes the macro solution more complex. I
suggest you leave the users' settings as they are - each user may have
selected those options with care because they want to see tracked changes in
exactly that way.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

Cathy Hunter

Hmmm. It definitely has somehow affected my Track Changes options. I go into
Options, set Insertions to "Color only", set Changed lines ... Mark to
"None", then click Ok. I still get revision bars and no inline markup. When I
go back into Options my settings are reverted back to Insertions "None" and
Changed lines mark "Outside border".

Cathy Hunter

There is something even worse going on ... when I use record macro to see the
Track Changes Option settings (go through and try making some changes) it
doesn't record anything. I'm afraid I'll have to reinstall.

Lene Fredborg

The macro as such only affects the settings. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you
what else has happened that causes the problems but you may have a corrupt
data key in the Registry. You could read the following articles that may help
you solve the problem:

Otherwise, I hope that others will be able to help you.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

Cathy Hunter

Phew, you have saved me! It was a registry problem I was able to correct
using the tips you pointed me at.

I guess maybe what I'm trying to achieve is unnatural for this version of
Word, which wouldn't be an issue if the user was able to hide the deleted
marked text via the options. I have a large formal procedures doc that I
provide to the customer and am doing an annual update. I want them to be able
to scan for what is new, but not with the clutter of inline markup showing. I
do understand the possibilities and cautions/restrictions now, thanks to your
responses. Much appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You might also want to see

Cathy Hunter said:
Phew, you have saved me! It was a registry problem I was able to correct
using the tips you pointed me at.

I guess maybe what I'm trying to achieve is unnatural for this version of
Word, which wouldn't be an issue if the user was able to hide the deleted
marked text via the options. I have a large formal procedures doc that I
provide to the customer and am doing an annual update. I want them to be able
to scan for what is new, but not with the clutter of inline markup showing. I
do understand the possibilities and cautions/restrictions now, thanks to your
responses. Much appreciated.

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