display search result in active explorer




I have a couple of questions: I am using Outlook 2003

I used one of Microsoft vba-samples to find contacts.

But instead of displaying the result one by one I would like to display all
of them in the active explorer so I can mail merge the selected items.
I know you can use the add method to add a folder in the explorer but how to
I get the items added to the explorer?

The reason I do not want them to show one by one is because there are
thousands of contacts.

Sub findtype()
Answer = InputBox("Enter the type")
Set myFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

Set myItems = myFolder.Items.Restrict("[MessageClass] = 'IPM.Contact'")
Set myRestrictItems = myItems.Restrict("[Type] = " & Answer)

For x = 1 To myRestrictItems.Count
Set myInspector = Application.Inspectors.Add(myRestrictItems.Item(x))

End Sub

Where can I find more samples and tutorials about creating views ( xml)?
One more question.
When I publish my customized contact form it gets published as a post
message ( post icon ) instead as contact message, do you know why?
thank you for all your help

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