Mike Williams
With OL 2007 and MS Exchange Server, Windows XP Pro SP3
Another person's calendar is shared (read only) with me. I have OL
set with the Calendar as the default startup folder. However, every
time it starts up I am required to check the other person's calendar
manually in order to view it. Is there a way to make this part of the
startup calendar view, so when I start up OL I can see both calendars
(mine and his) right away? THANKS
Another person's calendar is shared (read only) with me. I have OL
set with the Calendar as the default startup folder. However, every
time it starts up I am required to check the other person's calendar
manually in order to view it. Is there a way to make this part of the
startup calendar view, so when I start up OL I can see both calendars
(mine and his) right away? THANKS