Display Task Name on the Timeline graph



Is there a way to put the Task Name on the Timeline graph next to the bars?

You can seem to put everything else there but I can't fine Task Name.

Also, is there a way not to display the dates on the top of the timeline.
We don't know when we want to start but we want the graph to look
approximately what they can expect.




Trevor Rabey said:
The "real" name of the Task Name field is "Name".
"Task Name" is just its Title in the particular Table you are looking at
(actually, in all of them).
Use Format Bar Styles (or Format Bar) to attach the field to the bar.

I found it. But when I chose it, it increased the height of the rows, but
it didn't display the text.

Is there something else I need to do? Even if I closed the program and
started it again - it didn't show the names on the Timeline graph.




Jan said:

It only increase the height if you put it rtop or bottom, not when
you put it before.

I wasn't concerned with it increasing the height, just that it didn't
actually display the name.



Mike Glen

Hi Tom,

Let's start again. Format/Bar styles... and select the Text tab. Click on
the Right input cell where it shows the Resources Names field, and click the
drop-down arrow to see all the fields available. Scroll down (or enter n to
get to that part of the alphabet) and click on Name, and then OK. The task
name should now appear to the right.

Please let us know which version and service pack you're using.

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See http://tinyurl.com/2xbhc for my free Project Tutorials

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