Display Y axes on both sides of chart?



Is there a way to display the scale for the Y axes on the left and the right
side of a chart?

Bernard Liengme

You can specify second Y axis when you have two data series.
If you have only one, then make a copy in adjacent column (=B2 etc) and
chart his as second data series.
Come back if you need more details

best wishes


I think I may be wording my question wrong. What I am wanting is for the
scale of the chart to display on both the left an right sides of the chart.
Is that possible?

Bernard Liengme

I should have said that when you have a secondary y-axis it is displayed on
the right. Now if you plot the same series twice and specify secondary axis
for one of them, you will achieve your objective.

best wishes

Jon Peltier

Febra -

What Bernard is saying is that a primary axis will only appear on one side of the chart. To get
another axis on the other side, you need to create a secondary axis. If you scale both axes the
same, it will appear to the viewer that you have provided the primary axis on both sides of the

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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