DisplayAsIcon :=False works on some PCs but not others


Scott Pendleton

The PCs all run Word 2003 SP3. I don't think this should be relevant, but the
PCs with problems have XP SP2, while the one that works is XP SP3.

The problem occurs when using Access to create a Word document and then
insert a document as follows:

.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
Filename:=MyPath, _

On the XP SP3 development machine, the document is inserted just fine. On
the XP SP2 user machines, no matter what I do, the document is inserted as an

Suggestions? (Except telling the users to upgrade -- they are at a client
site and not under my control.)

Scott Pendleton

I was using Access 2003 to insert an inline shape (of a jpeg) into a Word
document. It worked on my development machine, which also has Office 2000 and
therefore Microsoft Photo Editor. My clients had installed Office 2003
without keeping Office 2000, and that uninstalled Microsoft Photo Editor,
which Microsoft has deprecated.

However, Microsoft Photo Editor is the OLE Server for JPEGs. If another one
is supposed to be available, I haven't been able to discover that. At any
rate, when you have Microsoft Photo Editor installed, then when Access
inserts a JPEG into a Word document, Word recognizes the object type and
therefore it appears as a JPEG image in the document.

But without Microsoft Photo Editor, Word does not recognize the JPEG, and
therefore inserts it as a "Package Object", which appears as an icon. You can
still doubleclick the icon to see the JPEG, but that isn't very useful for
printed reports.

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