Displaying "0" Values



I am trying to type a series of numbers with "0"s. ex. 000058745. When I do
this excel kicks out all of the zeros. 58745. I need the zeroes to be
displayed in the cells. Also when I went to excel help, it shows you how to
do it and when I tried it, it did not work. Please help!


If you are ok with treating them as text then enter a ' before entering the

Since in a number 0s at the left don't mean anything Excel strips them off...

You can show zeros by formatting the cells as 000000
It will show 123 as 000123
but 0123456 as 123456

Luke M

Format cell, number tab, custom format

Or, if you don't mind treating the number as text, you can input into the

And the apostrophe will tell XL to display exactly what you input.


Very, very helpful. Thank you so much

Luke M said:
Format cell, number tab, custom format

Or, if you don't mind treating the number as text, you can input into the

And the apostrophe will tell XL to display exactly what you input.
Best Regards,

Luke M
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