Displaying a % as a number


michael walker

Hi, First post. I have 2009 sales data in column O and 2008 sales data column
P and the the following formula in column Q = O1/P1 as have formatted it as a
% to show an increase or decease

When the sales data in column o is 0 and p is 0 the result is #DIV/0!
When the sales data in column o is 0 and p is >0 the result is a %

I want the workbook to display a % when column o is >0

If both 0 & P are 0 i want a 0 to be displayed

I appreciate you help


Jacob Skaria

Handle the error using ISERROR()


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Jacob Skaria

To avoid % sign for zeros..Use the same formula with ISERROR and custom
format the cell to


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michael walker

Thanks, but I have found when I enter amount in column o i still get the
#div?0! message.


David Biddulph

=IF(AND(O1=0,P1=0),0,IF(P1<>0,IF(O1>0,O1/P1,"")),"percentage change is

You will realise, I hope, that if P1 and O1 are 2008 and 2009 sales data,
=O1/P1 does *not* show the percentage increase or decrease. If you want the
percentage increase or decrease you need =O1/P1-1.

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