I am calculating the percentage increase / decrease on two numbers. If the
difference results in a decrease of, say 2.2% it is displayed as -2.2%
If the result is an increase of 2.2%, then 2.2% is displayed. Purely for
formatting reasons, I wish to display the figure as +2.2%
How can I set this up so that positive numbers contain a plus sign, whilst
maintaining the cell as a number? I can carry out an IF statement that will
add a "+" to the figure if it's greater than zero, but this ignores any
formatting to a set number of decimal places.
Any help will be appreciated!
difference results in a decrease of, say 2.2% it is displayed as -2.2%
If the result is an increase of 2.2%, then 2.2% is displayed. Purely for
formatting reasons, I wish to display the figure as +2.2%
How can I set this up so that positive numbers contain a plus sign, whilst
maintaining the cell as a number? I can carry out an IF statement that will
add a "+" to the figure if it's greater than zero, but this ignores any
formatting to a set number of decimal places.
Any help will be appreciated!