Displaying data horizontally



A few years ago (2005 or 2006) I created a report with the help of all you
that allowed me to have my data on my report print horizontally. I still
have the report and since then created a new report and used the same
procedure. This week, that new report got messed with and i am trying to
recreate it again, but I have turned 40 since the last time I made it and my
brain is not remembering everying. Please help me. I will tell you what I
have done so far, can someone please tell me what I am forgetting?

I created a label and call it medicinelabel.
I created a text box and call it medicine, its control source is medicine.

I have placed both the label and the text box to the far left on top of each

I have my page set up set to 4 columns, 0" spacing, 0" columns, width 1.5",
height .25".

On my details I have entered the following as an event procedure

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Me.Left < (0.75 * 1440) Then
Me![medicinelabel].Visible = True
Me![Medicine].Visible = False

Me![medicinelabel].Visible = False
Me![Medicine].Visible = True
End If

When I originally created this, I copied and pasted what someone told me to
do, so I don't know what any of this stuff means, so I'm not sure what to
check. Basically, when I run the new report, it tells me that there is
something wrong with the expression. It's frustrating because I know I've
done this before - twice. And now I'm at a loss for anything else to try.

By the way, I can't find my previous post. Can someone tell me how to see
my past questions on here?

Thanks for the help.


Not sure what you mean but if you highlight your report in the database
window, and then go to File in the main toolbar and chose Page Setup and then
Columns tab, you can set the Column Layout to Across, Then Down.

Christos via AccessMonster.com

Kelly said:
A few years ago (2005 or 2006) I created a report with the help of all you
that allowed me to have my data on my report print horizontally. I still
have the report and since then created a new report and used the same
procedure. This week, that new report got messed with and i am trying to
recreate it again, but I have turned 40 since the last time I made it and my
brain is not remembering everying. Please help me. I will tell you what I
have done so far, can someone please tell me what I am forgetting?

I created a label and call it medicinelabel.
I created a text box and call it medicine, its control source is medicine.

I have placed both the label and the text box to the far left on top of each

I have my page set up set to 4 columns, 0" spacing, 0" columns, width 1.5",
height .25".

On my details I have entered the following as an event procedure

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Me.Left < (0.75 * 1440) Then
Me![medicinelabel].Visible = True
Me![Medicine].Visible = False

Me![medicinelabel].Visible = False
Me![Medicine].Visible = True
End If

When I originally created this, I copied and pasted what someone told me to
do, so I don't know what any of this stuff means, so I'm not sure what to
check. Basically, when I run the new report, it tells me that there is
something wrong with the expression. It's frustrating because I know I've
done this before - twice. And now I'm at a loss for anything else to try.

By the way, I can't find my previous post. Can someone tell me how to see
my past questions on here?

Thanks for the help.

Could you describe what it tells you is wrong with the expression? Assuming
that you accidentally copy pasted the first line twice (the Private Sub bit),
the rest of the code should work fine.

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