Displaying forms in a certain order



Hello! I've cosntructed a database with 5 tables and
forms that correspond with each. I'd like the database to
function so that all the user has to really work with are
the forms. I went to "Tools" and selected "Startup" and
designated Form A as the form to display when the database
starts up. However, once the user has filled out Form A,
I'd like Form B to pop up, and after that Form C, and so
on down the line. After the last Form has been filled
out, I'd like it to cycle back to the first one so that
the process can begin anew. I realize that this may
utilize macros or modules, so I apologize if this post is
in the wrong place. Either way, whether it takes macros
and modules, or just finding the right menu, could someone
please tell me if this is do-able and if so, how to do
it??? Thanks.


Actually, it can be done using VBA too. Anyway, an easy
way is to use the command button wizard. Add a button to
open the next form.

Not recommended. The other thing you can do is to copy the
code assign by the command button wizard to the open form
button to the lost focus event of the last control. This
will make the user go to another form when they press tab.

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