Displaying lab in word form



I need to display lab values for possible edits/deletes on a user form. I
use DAO to find the correct patient values. I need suggestions on the most
efficient way to take several rows of numerical lab values and display them
for view/edit on a user form. So far I have collected the recordset rows in
an array. I could proceed to assign the array (18 values per row) to a
particular named textbox ( I am only going to display 5 rows of data at a
time) but this is tedious. Is there a faster way to iterate through the
textboxes (numerical naming?) without having to name each and every one in a
long list?

labels: Na...K+....Cl...Co2..Cr...BUN..
values 135 4.5 118 24 1.5 80
values 138 5.0 114 30 1.1 24
and so on.....

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Gonzo,

If you want to try something, muck around with the code pasted below.
Just create a userform with a list box (ListBox1), a text box (TextBox1) and
three command buttons (CommandButton1, CommandButton2 and CommandButton3).
Never mind the spacing and the size, my code places and sizes everything.
Basically, it loads an array in the listbox, user selects a row, row gets
transferred to the textbox, if user clicks in the textbox, the listbox is
disabled, user can make changes in the textbox, then either click on
"Accept" to change the array content and the listbox (and reactivate the
listbox), or click on "Cancel" to leave the Array alone and to reactivate
the listbox. Clicking on "Leave" at anytime, well, leaves the userform!.
Leave does not change the content of the array.
The difficult part with this system is that I needed to parse the text box
text into bits to recreate an array row. So I used the "|" as a delimiter.
If the user removes a "|", he is warned and has to start over. You could
avoid this by having 18 little textboxes. When a user click on a row, each
element from each column in the rows could be placed in its own text box,
then the user makes the changes and click on the Accept button to update the
array and the list box.

Good luck!

Dim MyIndex As Long
Dim MyArray(9, 17) As Variant

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim MyString As String
Dim CheckString As String
Dim ToArray As String
Dim i As Long, x As Long, y As Long

CheckString = TextBox1.Text
Do While Not InStr(1, CheckString, "|") = 0
CheckString = Replace(CheckString, "|", "", 1, 1)
y = y + 1

If y < 17 Then
MsgBox "You have deleted a ""|"", please start again."
Exit Sub
End If

'In my case I do not want spaces in the array...
MyString = Trim(Replace(TextBox1.Text, " ", ""))

For x = 0 To 17
i = InStr(1, MyString, "|")
If i = 0 Then
MyArray(MyIndex, x) = MyString
MyArray(MyIndex, x) = Left(MyString, i - 1)
End If
MyString = Right(MyString, Len(MyString) - i)
Next x

ListBox1.List() = MyArray
ListBox1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

ListBox1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Dim MyString As String
Dim x As Long

MyIndex = ListBox1.ListIndex
For x = 0 To 17
MyString = MyString & ListBox1.List(MyIndex, x) & " | "
Next x
TextBox1.Text = Left(MyString, Len(MyString) - 3)

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()

ListBox1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim ColW As String
Const BasicWidth As String = 30

Me.Width = (BasicWidth * 18) + 50
Me.Height = (BasicWidth * 5) + 18

For x = 0 To 9
For y = 0 To 17
MyArray(x, y) = x & "--" & y
Next y
Next x

CommandButton1.Left = (BasicWidth * 17)
CommandButton1.Top = (BasicWidth * 3.5)
CommandButton1.Width = BasicWidth * 2
CommandButton1.Height = (BasicWidth * 5) / 6
CommandButton1.Caption = "Leave"

CommandButton2.Left = (BasicWidth * 14.5)
CommandButton2.Top = (BasicWidth * 3.5)
CommandButton2.Width = BasicWidth * 2
CommandButton2.Height = (BasicWidth * 5) / 6
CommandButton2.Caption = "Accept"

CommandButton3.Left = (BasicWidth * 12)
CommandButton3.Top = (BasicWidth * 3.5)
CommandButton3.Width = BasicWidth * 2
CommandButton3.Height = (BasicWidth * 5) / 6
CommandButton3.Caption = "Cancel"

ListBox1.Width = (BasicWidth + 1) * 18
ListBox1.Height = BasicWidth * 1.5
ListBox1.Top = BasicWidth / 2
ListBox1.Left = BasicWidth / 2
TextBox1.Width = (BasicWidth + 1) * 18
TextBox1.Height = (BasicWidth * 3) / 5
TextBox1.Top = BasicWidth * 2.5
TextBox1.Left = BasicWidth / 2

ListBox1.ColumnCount = 18
ColW = BasicWidth
For x = 1 To 17
ColW = ColW & ";" & BasicWidth
Next x
ListBox1.ColumnWidths = ColW

ListBox1.List() = MyArray

End Sub

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: http://www.word.mvps.org

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