displaying list of available dates for a client


I am a lady

an entertainment agency needs to list available dates for the year ahead for
each entertainer. help how do I do this does anyone know.

Tim Ferguson

an entertainment agency needs to list available dates for the year
ahead for each entertainer. help how do I do this does anyone know.

Use Outlook...

Tim F

Duane Hookom

I would create a table [tblAllDates] with a single date field [TheDate]. Add
all dates for whatever date range you will ever need. Assuming you have a
table of bookings with the entertainer ID and the date they are either
booked or unavailable:
And a table of entertainers:

You can then create a cartesian query [qcartDatesEntertainers] of all dates
and entertaners like:
SELECT tblAllDates.TheDate, EntertainerID, LastName, FirstName
FROM tblAllDates, tblEntertainers;

To find out all open dates for all entertainers, create a query with sql of:
SELECT qcartDatesEntertainers.*
FROM tblBookings RIGHT JOIN qcartDatesEntertainers ON
(tblBookings.BookedDate = qcartDatesEntertainers.TheDate)
AND (tblBookings.EntertainerID = qcartDatesEntertainers.EntertainerID)
WHERE (((tblBookings.BookedDate) Is Null));

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