Displaying numbers used in formula



Hello. I have a spreadsheet with many elementary formulas. The VP wants the
numbers used in the formulas displayed next to the cell with the formula. As
an example...Let's say in J11-J14 I have the numbers 34, 67, 57 and 48. In
D10 I have the formula: =(J11/J12)+(J13/J14). Great, but now in E10 the VP
wants to see: (34/67)+(57/48).

Of course I could do it manually, but there are LOTS of formulas on each
sheet and the numbers change weekly. Is there a way to EASILY automate this?


Martin P

Use the & symbol and quotation marks. For example, if you enter
="("&J11&"/"&J12&")" in cell E10, you will get the first part. All you have
to do is figure out the rest.

Who or what is the VP?


That's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you very much.

The VP is the Vice Pressident - the one on the receiving end of the reports.

Thanks again for the quick and helpful post.

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