Displaying Scanned Documents with associated application

  • Thread starter charles.kendricks
  • Start date


I have presented this problem recently, but was not as specific as I
should have been. I have a patient database with a patient information

form. I also have a large folder of patient records which have been
scanned to disk. The scanning software names each scanned image in the

following format: firstname_lastname_imagexxx, where xxx is a unique
autoincrementing number, so that each and every scanned file has a
unique xxx number. Also each patient might have anywhere between 2 to
10 scanned images

I am still a raw novice at VBA programming, but I need to be able to
display the scanned images from the patient information form. I want
to display the scanned images with the associated application which is
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. I am willing to entertain any and all
ideas as to the best method I should use to accomplish this task.

Thanks in Advance

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