displaying subform infor on main form



I have a form that has a subform. The main form contains an employee's ID
and Name. The subform contains the the tasks they did on a day to day basis.
What am trying to do is get "summary Totals" information from the subform
and display it in the main for as follows e.g.
Today This week This month
Total hours 8 40 160

The information that the employee enters in the database is as follows
[TrackDate] 5/26/05
[Task] xyz [totalHours] 2
[Task]abc [totalHours] 3
[Task]efg [totalHours] 3


Please Help!


I am not an expert! But, I thought I would share my thought on how to
approach this.

I would start by creating a query that will pull the summary data that you
want for each employee. Then perhaps you could create a second sub-form on
the main form that is based on that summary query.

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