Displaying Tasks for a Single Resource for Many Projects



I hope this is an easy one and I'm just missing it in the

I need a way to display all the tasks (preferably by end
date) from all the projects assigned to a single resource
in a calendar format. Purpose: MaryJane needs to know that
a task for project X is due on Thursday so she prioritizes
that task over the one due on Friday for project Z. I
would love to see it in a gantt or some other visual
layout but I'll settle for a calendar of any kind!

Can Project 2003 do this or am I trying to make it do
something it can't?

Thanks for your help!!!

John Beamish

Since this isn't in the Server newsgroup, I'll assume you want to just use
the stand-alone Pro or Standard.

First, create a temporary Master project by opening a blank project and
inserting the project plans. Then insert the column "Project".

If you want a display:

1. If you want to hide summary Tasks from the display: Tools | Options |
View-tab and clear the checkmark from "Show summary tasks"
2. View | Gantt
3. Project | Filtered for... and choose "Using Resource..."
4. Project | Sort | By Finish date ...

Although this shows all tasks for that person, you can "mess about" with the
display to see just the tasks you want.

If you want a hardcopy:

1. View | Reports | Assignment Reports then click once on To-Do list and on
the "edit..." button.
2. Click on the Definition tab. If the Filter isn't already "Using
Resource..." then choose that Filter.
3. Click on the Sort tab. In the first Sort by field choose the Finish

If you want a hardcopy _and_ you need to show the Project field

1. View | Tables | More tables, locate the "Entry" table and click once on
it, and click on the Copy button.
2. Modify the "Copy of Entry Table" to include the Project field and save
3. View | Reports | Custom, locate the "To do" report, click once on it,
and click on the Copy button.
4. On the Definition tab, change the Table field to "Copy of Entry Table".
5. Click on the Sort tab. In the first Sort by field choose the Finish


Thanks but...I tried that (great instructions btw) but it
only shows me the tasks for a single project. How do I do
this for multiple projects?

John Beamish

Did you choose the Display or the Hardcopy option?

Did you use the Master project when you were doing the display/report

(I just tried it again and it worked for me.)


I see! I didn't see a step for inserting all the projects
into that Master File. Thank you! OK...last part of the
question then...how do I display, in a single document,
this information for all my people?

So, you'd see MaryJane's tasks across all projects lumped
together THEN John's THEN Paul's, etc...

John Beamish

Ah ... the original request was for a single resource. To do this for all
selected tasks all resources in a single report is more complex. I'm not
sure that it is do-able using filters, tables and canned reports. I'll
have to play around for a bit. In the meantime, if anyone else has some
ideas, please jump in!


Maybe I don't fully understand what you want but how about the following:
1. Create a master file as John outlined
2. Open the Resource Usage view
3. Insert these two columns
a. Project
b. Finish
4. Sort by Project, then by Finish

If you don't need the timescale data, just pull it to the right and
print the tabular data. It will show each resource's assignments by
project with the Finish date in ascending order.

Hope this helps.

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