Displaying Text from FTP Site




I'm using FP2000. I'd like to display text (weather forecast) on a
simple page that is some how "pulled" from this site:

This forecast is also available in html format also at:

I realize I can include this forecast if I use frames, though I want to
keep my site dead simple, without frames.

Can anyone advise how I might be able to include the forecast on a
simple web page?

Cheers, Ricky

Trevor Lawrence

Ricky said:

I'm using FP2000. I'd like to display text (weather forecast) on a simple
page that is some how "pulled" from this site:

This forecast is also available in html format also at:

I realize I can include this forecast if I use frames, though I want to
keep my site dead simple, without frames.

Can anyone advise how I might be able to include the forecast on a simple
web page?

Hi Ricky from me in Canberra

There are a couple of ways.

1. Use IFrames (in-line frames)
On my page http://tandcl.homemail.com.au/ I have 2 IFrames.
One is the News opened and closed with the button
"Open/Close News of this Site"

The code is simple
<button onclick="loadIframe('News','news.html')" title="Open/Close News of
this Site">
Open/Close News of this Site</button>
<iframe id="News" src=""></iframe>

It requires the HTML page (e.g "news.html")

It also requires JavaScript
function loadIframe(id,sPath) {
var x = document.getElementById(id)
if (x.style.display != 'block') {
x.style.display = 'block'
x.src = sPath
x.style.display = 'none'

There is also CSS
#News {
display: none; overflow: auto;
height: 250px; width: 400px; }
You can vary the size of the IFrame with this CSS

2. Open the page in a blank window
The Canberra Times Weather page opens in this way
<a href="http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/weather.asp" target="_blank">
<img src="images/display/canbtimes.gif"
alt="" title="Canberra Times Weather" height="40" /></a>

I have tested this it works fine. Just change the page name after href= to
ftp://ftp2.bom.gov.au/anon/gen/fwo/IDW62823.html (in quotes)


Tks again Trevor - Just had a quick fiddle with the IFrames - magic!

Exactly what I was after.

Cheers, Ricky

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