Displaying the value of a string


Risky Dave


I am not a programmer, so apologies if I don't use the correct terms here -
hope it makes sense!

I have a piece of code that uses a string (Dim Storage As String)to store
text concatenated from a series of cells.

What I now want to do is display the concatenated text in a single cell.

I have tried to use:

Range("A1").Value = Storage

But this doesn't actually display the text held in Storage in cell A1. When
I select the cell, it remains blank, but the Formula bar shows that correct
value is associated with the cell.

Any suggestions on how I move the text value of Storage into A1?

This is in Office 2007 under Vista, if that's of any importance.



Gary Keramidas

this works for me

Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim Storage As String

Storage = Range("b2").Value & Range("c2").Value & Range("d2").Value & _
Range("a1").Value = Storage

End Sub

Risky Dave


Thanks for the prompt respone. Just realised I was being stupid.

The output cell was actually merged with loads of others and the value was
being displayed at the bottom off the cell - below the bottom of the screen!

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