Dissapearing handwritten text



New to one note 2003. As I write text via the handwriting recognition pop up
I lose the text when I press insert if I have written three or more lines of
pop up window text and must start over. Am I doiing somthing wrong? if 2
lines insert is OK . Why when I go to three or more lines. All thoughts would
be helpful. Thanks

Rainald Taesler

GaryM shared these words of wisdom:
New to one note 2003. As I write text via the handwriting
recognition pop up I lose the text when I press insert if I have
written three or more lines of pop up window text and must start
over. Am I doiing somthing wrong? if 2 lines insert is OK . Why
when I go to three or more lines. All thoughts would be helpful.

I'm sorry that I have no answer as I only used ON 2003 for some 10
days or so and - gladly <!!> - immediately moved to the ON 2007 Beta.

But as you say that you are "new" to ON 2003:
Do yourself a favor ans make the move to the ON 2007 instead of
loosing time with more or less appears some kind of "Alpha version".

ON 2007 has tremendously been improved and offers faaaaaar more.

There's a fully functional Trial version available:
Germany: http://germany.trymicrosoftoffice.com/
France: http://france.trymicrosoftoffice.com/

Japan: http:/ /japan.trymicrosoftoffice.com/

Canada: http://canada.trymicrosoftoffice.com/



I use the tip as I thought jotting note vie the A text recognition input type
( with the pop up box) would be prefered on a tablet pc. It seems to me that
you are suggesting taking the notes with the ink option and than useing
handwritting recog feature. Is that your reccomendation? Do you use one note

Kathy Jacobs

I use OneNote both on my desktop and on my tablet. I never use the TIP for
adding content to OneNote on my Tablet. I write on the page and let it get
recognized. Sometimes, I do the convert to text, but not often. Since ink is
searchable and understandable natively on the Tablet, I don't mess with the
TIP unless I have to.

My two cents...

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

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