Dissapearing/Hanging Cursor



I have upgraded my mouse, checked for old templates and deleted them as
instructed, used the winword /a and still my cursor hangs or disapears when I
hit enter when using word.
What else can I do???....Really frustrated.
I upgraded from Word 2000 to 2003 running Win Prof XP

Terry Farrell

Are you still able to type? Is it only the cursor that is affected? What
happens if you go to the View Menu and switch to 500% Zoom and then Back to
100% Zoom?


Yes I am able to type, however if I hit enter it takes time for the "screen"
to catch up to my typing e.g. enter etc.
I tried the view menu option, but it only works temporarily!

Terry Farrell

Delete and reinstall the printer driver - first checking at the internet
support site for the manufacturer to make sure that you have the latest


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