Distance between a computer and a data projector fro PP



Does anyone know of a way to boost the signal from a laptop to a data
projector? For a theatrical show I am producing at my retirement
community because of constraints on the stage the lap top running the
PP presentation (mostly video clips) must be about 30 feet from the
data projector. Both laptop and data projector are brand new. The
data projector is not equipped for wireless but the laptop is. Can I
buy a signal booster to enhance the signal. I have been told you must
keep the distance less than 15' or the signal will degrade. When I use
the supplied component video connector the signal is fine..but the cord
is about four feet long only. I could also connect via S Video. If
wireless will work we could exchange the data projector for one
wireless capable...but would prefer a different solution if it would

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