Distance calculations


not bright

I am trying to get a formula to produce a distance in feet
X corrd y corrd
1 6806.9 1680.62
2 7243.67 1509.92 (Dist. Between a1 & a2)
3 6751.07 1319.53 (Dist. Between a2 & a3)

The numbers are X & Y Coordinates for devices in a CAD program.

I have a formula that I was trying: (ABS(A1-A2)+ABS(B3-B2))/12)
But the results don’t match to the distance in the CAD drawing. Or, are my
math skills that bad???

Otto Moehrbach

Assuming Column A is the "X" coordinates of points and Column B is the "Y"
coordinates of the same points, as you have them, then the straight line
between the two points, rows 1 and 2, is the hypotenuse of a right triangle
as follows:
One leg is Abs(A2-A1)
The other leg is Abs(B2-B1)
The hypotenuse is the square root of the sum of the squares of the other two
The hypotenuse is (((Abs(A2-A1))^2 + (Abs(B2-B1))^2)^.5)/12
HTH Otto

Gary''s Student

I am sure that you are very bright, maybe a little forgetful:

Remember Pythagoras


Bernard Liengme

Since you are squaring the order is unimportant.
3-5 = -2 and -2^2 =4
5-3 = 2 and 2^2 =
best wishes

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