John B
I have a text box A connected to text box B via a "Connector" shape.
I would like to produce list of relationships between the text boxes.
How can I distinguish the nature of the connection. i.e. incoming or
outgoing connection?
--------- ----------
| A |---data1-->| B |------data2-->
--------- ----------
output I would like to see is:
textbox input output
A null data1
B data1 data2
I managed to get the list of connections:
' test for textbox A
sub test ()
dim vsoshapes as visio.shapes
For i = 1 To vsoShapes.Item(1).FromConnects.Count
if InStr(1, LCase(vsoShapes.Item(1).FromConnects.Item(i).FromSheet.NameU),
"connector") > 0 then
debug.print vsoShapes.Item(1).FromConnects.Item(i).FromSheet.Text
end if
next i
end sub
but no luck with distinguishing whether it is an input or an output!
I would like to produce list of relationships between the text boxes.
How can I distinguish the nature of the connection. i.e. incoming or
outgoing connection?
--------- ----------
| A |---data1-->| B |------data2-->
--------- ----------
output I would like to see is:
textbox input output
A null data1
B data1 data2
I managed to get the list of connections:
' test for textbox A
sub test ()
dim vsoshapes as visio.shapes
For i = 1 To vsoShapes.Item(1).FromConnects.Count
if InStr(1, LCase(vsoShapes.Item(1).FromConnects.Item(i).FromSheet.NameU),
"connector") > 0 then
debug.print vsoShapes.Item(1).FromConnects.Item(i).FromSheet.Text
end if
next i
end sub
but no luck with distinguishing whether it is an input or an output!