distorted graphics with insert as link



I have a Word 2002 doc (Office XP) with many graphics inserted as a link to
file. I worked on the file at several locations and had to update the paths
to the graphics in the INCLUDEPICTURE field. After editing the path, the
graphics display at a severely distorted size.

I hate to think about reinserting all of the graphics. Any suggestions would
be appreciated very much.

Andre Da Costa

Have you tried selecting the images, when the picture toolbar appears, click
the reset picture button?

Andre Da Costa
Jamaica W.I.


Thanks for the macro and for taking the time to reply. The macro works great
for updating the path to my images; however, I continue to have the resizing
problem. It's as if the MERGEFORMAT instruction is being ignored.

I've noticed that my INCLUDEPICTURE field code uses MERGEFORMATINET as
opposed to MERGEFORMAT. I'm not familiar with the former, so I don't know if
affects the retention of sizing info or not.

Most of my graphics are PNGs. At work, I inserted the images from a network
drive. My doc file was on the same network drive but a different folder. At
home, I use the same relative folder structure but use my local drive. .


hi MJC,

Try changing \* MERGEFORMATINET to \* MERGEFORMAT, or simply deleting it
altogether. There is no MERGEFORMATINET switch in English-language versions
of Word (don't know about other languages, though)


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I beg to differ. The MERGEFORMATINET switch is a scourge in English versions
as well. It can be somewhat kept at bay by clearing the check box for
"Update links on save" on the Files tab of Tools | Options | General | Web
Options, but it has a tendency to resurface with maddening regularity.

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