I'm developing a startup form using access 2002 (but using access 2000 file format) - the form will not open correctly for a user with access 2000. I think it is due to their reference library 'Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library' where I'm using 10.0 object library. I think the function that is causing the issue is this one (moving the location of a 'rectangle' control I'm calling newPoint). My question is this
1) How do I make this work in Access 2000? Can I package the Access 10.0 object library with the db? Is there another control that the 9.0 object library will recognize
-Boston To
My code for reference
Set newPoint = Form_frmSoilGas(cntrlName
newPoint.Move leftBox, topBox, widthBox, heightBo
acDetail, , , leftBox, topBox, widthBox, heightBox
With newPoin
.Properties("tag") = siteI
.Properties("visible") = Tru
.Properties("backcolor") = 845401
.Properties("bordercolor") =
.Properties("borderwidth") = 0.
End With
1) How do I make this work in Access 2000? Can I package the Access 10.0 object library with the db? Is there another control that the 9.0 object library will recognize
-Boston To
My code for reference
Set newPoint = Form_frmSoilGas(cntrlName
newPoint.Move leftBox, topBox, widthBox, heightBo
acDetail, , , leftBox, topBox, widthBox, heightBox
With newPoin
.Properties("tag") = siteI
.Properties("visible") = Tru
.Properties("backcolor") = 845401
.Properties("bordercolor") =
.Properties("borderwidth") = 0.
End With